Tuesday, December 9, 2014

HELLO PEOPLES (all 3 of you)!

I'm back! After a slight hiatus (wow it's really been a long time) I've decided that writing more of these and pretending to be important is good for me. Quick update on me I got married and moved and changed jobs in the last couple of months (yay) so am getting re-settled! Now I forgot exactly how I used to do this so I am just going to make some random sections of things that are currently interesting to me and you'll have to suffer through them! (Or skip down to the ones you find interesting).

My Book:
So since so many of you (my mom specifically) have asked me about my book I am very ashamed to announce that I really haven't done much writing since... er... multiple years ago, which is totally my fault and very SHAMING.  On the bright side since I am writing here again (and doing a D&D campaign see below) hopefully I'll be motivated to work on it again.  I still really like the idea behind it, I just need to get back into it. Motivating comments and about how awesome the story is so far or how awesome I am are welcome and encouraged! I'll try to start posting snippits of it here again once I get going!

Ok this one I am excited about! I am running a D&D campaign for a couple of my friends in order to get my creative juices going! I've never run a campaign before though I have played a few, and I think this will be fun if I can get it going and get my players excited about it. My lovely wife is even going to try it (which is like seriously a big deal, she's not really nerdy like the rest of us). Speaking of not really nerdy people, in case you don't know (though I don't know why you're even reading this section except to get more of my fantastic writing) D&D is a ... well... here: D&D Wikipedia
Probably easier than trying to describe it.  So that's happening Saturday and again in order to start writing again I am also going to try to summarize what happened in the campaign each month (we are playing once a month hopefully) in exciting story form that makes it seem much more exciting that it was! So I'll be posting that on here in a very sneaky attempt to DOUBLE my followers (from 3 to 6 I guess)?!! MWHAHAHA I'm an evil genius.

Ok I have missed talking about a million games since last time so I'll just briefly mention the ones I'm playing now! So first up is Far Cry 4 which is just beautiful graphics-wise.  I also just treated myself to a big new TV so I can really enjoy the views, stunning.  Game play is also pretty fun but pretty much the same as before with some tweaks.  Then there is Dragon Age Inquisition which I want to like but kind of hate.  I don't know if it's because I got it on the PS4 and am not loving the controls or because I've only put a few hours into it, but it's just not getting to me.  Hopefully that will change.  Oh yes and the evil powers that be have convinced me to start playing WOW again, the Warlords of Draenor expansion.  Hit level 100 and it was pretty fun, now we are trying to start raiding but having some trouble getting guild people to (which we need so that people don't after three attempts! Seriously people it takes foreeeeever to do, that how it was before!) Although I also have less time than I used to so I can pretty much only commit one day a week booh. Also got KH2.5 because I love those games, and I got the special edition so I got a heartless plushy which IS SO AWESOME I HAVE TO POST A PIC OF IT FOR ANY Kingdom Hearts fans. Witcher 3 and Batman coming out next year excited for those!

Ok so again missed a bunch here but recently I read Hunger Games and am in the process of reading the Divergent books and Mistborn.  Hunger Games and the Divergent books almost seem the same, really you could argue that Hunger Games is an experiment that takes place INSIDE one of the Divergent Books experiments.  Mistborn I liked the first one but am really slowing down on the second one... OH and since I last wrote all Wheel of Times books have been released so go read those if you haven't I promise they are worth it. AND PATRICK ROTHFUSS (no idea how to spell his name) wrote The Kingkiller Chronicles of which 2 are out and they are SO AWESOME.  Really recommend those.

Way too many to go into, quick summary all the new x-men movies have been sweet and superman also awesome! I don't love the new Spiderman movies but I seem to be a minority there so... er and Mockingjay part 1 is actually really good.  Love this song from it btw (WARNING PREPARE TO BE SAD): The Hanging Tree

Ok that's about it for now, sorry for the random thought patterns but like I said just getting back into it! Hope you guy(s) enjoyed this! Will try to update again next week!


1 comment:

  1. Nice to see you back and posting! Glad you have a computer again!
