Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Another One


I guess it's time for another update...

So first, I only went to the gym once last week. Which was that Monday. It's very sad. BUT! This week I went again Monday, and Tuesday, AND today, so that's excellent! Let's see if I can keep it up. Would be nice... Not much else happened today. At work someone told me I could go home around 3:30 since it was a holiday tomorrow but I stuck around until 5ish anyway... guess I get that from my dad! Not so fun, but anyway...

Nothing too interesting really. We were going to go snowboarding tomorrow since I don't really do the whole thanksgiving thing, but I'm pretty beat and getting up at 5 to drive 3 hours and board all day and then come back... sounded a bit too intense. Hopefully I'll get up to it within the next few weeks.

Think we are making gnocci tomorrow, maybe with gorgonzola sauce! As my dad said to me earlier today, Giorno del Reingrazamento, which I had no idea what it is but turns out means Italian Thanksgiving. Though really it sounds more like something of getting fat again. I dunno...

Not much here. I ended up not getting NFS because there was no story, and though I know they are stupid, I really liked them! So since it's pretty much just online play I said screw it and bought AC Brotherhood instead, which is actually mostly NOT online play, unlike I thought. It's just continues the story, and it's pretty good (except some of the 100% stuff is a pain in the ass). So that's what I'm doing. Still haven't decided on cataclysm....

Nothing here, haven't gotten a chance to read much more. Claysie is almost done though so SOON!

Ok, here I actually have news! That's right! I have a story now. It came to me while walking to work the other day, and everything just kind of fell into place. To be fair, I have a lot of fleshing out to do, but I think this is the one. I've decided not to post it here so I can actually have some people read it as a whole and see how they react. But I'll try to updated how it's going and such and that will hopefully actually keep me writing because otherwise you guys can just complain that I'm not doing anything with it.

Social Commentary:
Hey look it's a new one! This is where I pretend to know what the hell I'm talking about, which I certainly don't, so be forewarned!

The other day I heard they took a Beyonce commercial of the air in the UK because it was too "risqué". Now this surprises me. Maybe Britain was always quick to censor, but it got me thinking. I don't really think it's a problem that cultures change or that we forget some things. I think that we already keep a lot of old culture/tradition in our memory, or museums, or books, or other things. And if we forget some stuff, honestly, that's ok. That's natural and it's healthy to have change and that I think sometimes means forgetting things. I'm not saying we should forget everything or change everything or anything like that, but I think people go a bit overboard. BUT... what I think is a problem is how our cultures are merging. That's what the UK thing made me think of, sexual censorship. That's what the US does (same old tired argument that the US censors sex and Europe doesn't, but on the other hand the US has a lot of violence and Europe doesn't, bla bla bla, that's not what I'm getting at here). What I AM getting at is that the cultures are bleeding over, and I think we are moving towards a mega, global culture. And that I think is dangerous. I think unique cultures are important, and it's tremendously beneficial and helps us grow. I won't get into all the details, I'm sure everyone has their own opinions, but I I do think that's one of the biggest dangers we're facing in terms of a global society.

And I'm done.


  1. You must come back for Cata. It is demanded of you. Liking the blog though! will have to read it more ow

  2. So are you going to be posting any more??

  3. Love the last post, and that you are no longer thinking about Cata but currently playing it...though I haven't been on lately.
